Independent lab tested for quality

 Silver overview

Origin Health's Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver’s amazing ability to support the body's immune system was rediscovered by leading contemporary scientists (Ref. 1) now you can utilise what they discovered and help your immune system effectively and naturally with our liquid mineral supplement and skin care range

Our Colloidal Silver Has Been Tested In An Independent Lab For You Safety and Purity,

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Origin Health's Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver’s amazing ability to support the body's immune system was rediscovered by leading contemporary scientists (Ref. 1) now you can utilise what they discovered and help your immune system effectively and naturally with our liquid mineral supplement and skin care range that won't blow your budget!
Who can benefit from Colloidal Silver?

Anyone who:
●    needs ongoing nutritional support for their immune system

●    is susceptible during the ills & chills season wants to assist the body's natural detoxification

●    wants to assist the natural immune function of the eyes, nose, ears & mouth

●    demands natural skin care that specifically helps your skin's immune defences

Our Bio-energised Ionic Colloidal Silver features:

●    latest, computerised technology
●    no additives / preservatives needed 
●    smallest micro size ionic silver particles for superior absorption & utilisation
●    recommended by health professionals
●    Vibrational essences in some skin care products

Ref.1) Dr. Joseph Weissman, MD, board-certified immunologist & Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Medical School, Dr. Larry C. Ford of UCLA Medical School, Dr. Carl Moyer, Chairman of Washington University Dep. of Surgery and many others.